About Me

Hi I am Abdul Hafiz Ramadan :wave:,

Abdul Hafiz Ramadan is a professional android developer with more than 4 years of experience in software engineering. He has an educational background in Software Engineering and has been passionate about coding since high school and has participated in many courses and activities related to software engineering. During college he actively participated in software engineering related activities such as being a Lecturer Assistant, Mini Android Bootcamp Mentor and actively contributed to the Google Developer Student Clubs community as a head of core team for the curriculum and developer division. He has solid skills in Java, Kotlin, and JavaScript and PHP programming languages, he has a great interest in creating great user experiences and innovative products.

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Programming Skills







Java Script


Design & Prototyping Skills



Adobe Photoshop


Language Skills

Indonesia (Native)


Engilish (TOEFL 467)


school Education

Telkom Insitute of Technology, Indonesia

2020 - 2024

Bachelor of Computer Science at Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Informatics, as Best Graduate in Academics 2021 with a GPA of 3.90 out of 4.0.

work Working Experience

Software Engineer Mobile Android Intern, NBS

November 2021 — Present

Software Engineer Mobile Android Intern in Core Team Android NBS

Android Developer Freelancer, MRI Indonesia

August, 2021 — April, 2022

Become an Android Developer Freelancer in developing the android application project in collaboration between another programmer

integration_instructions Tech Contribution

Bangkit 2023 Batch 2 Cohort - Mobile Development


Program Bangkit is a collaborative initiative led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, and Traveloka. The program aims to train and develop tech talent in Indonesia. During this program, participants undergo intensive 6-month training with a focus on machine learning and cloud computing.

Generasi Gigih 3.0 - Mobile Engineer Learning Track


The Generasi Gigih 3.0 program is an intensive training program specifically designed to improve the skills and competitiveness of young talents in the technology field. The program is organized by the GoTo Impact Foundation, a non-profit organization established by the GoTo Group. The Generasi Gigih 3.0 program lasts for 6 months, starting from June 27, 2023 to December 11, 2023.

Head of Core Team Curriculum & Developers Division

2022 - 2023

Google Developer Student Clubs are university based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

Become a GDSC Android Study Jam Mentor batch 1 (4 session)


Become a mentor in mobile android development using Kotlin programming language in a Study Jam event organized by Google Developer Student Clubs Chapter IT Telkom Purwokerto. This meeting discusses the fundamentals of Kotlin programming language introduction and learning about basic kotlin, functional programming, object orientation programming in kotlin programming languages.

Become a GDSC Android Study Jam Mentor batch 2 (2 session)


Become a mentor in mobile android development using Kotlin programming language in a Study Jam event organized by Google Developer Student Clubs Chapter IT Telkom Purwokerto. This meeting discusses the fundamentals of jetpack compose.

Project-Based Virtual Intern Mobile Apps Developer Bank Mandiri Tbk x Rakamin Academy


The Virtual Internship Experiences program is the result of collaboration between Rakamin and Partner Companies in order to improve the competence of young Indonesian talent through the provision of virtual internship experiences that have been standardized and tested so as to meet the needs of hardskill development and portfolio building for interns. Rakamin's virtual internship program has really helped me to in answering questions about mobile development on Android and IOS platforms.

Practice Assistant of Algorithms and Programming


Become a teaching assistant in the Algorithms and Programming Practicum which understands, selects, and uses good algorithms programming using Python in some departments such as Informatics, Information Systems, and Software Engineering.

Practice Assistant of Object-Oriented Programming


Become an assistant teacher in Object-Oriented Programming practicum which understands object-based programming concepts using Java in some departments such as Informatics, Information System, and Software Engineering Department.

Become an android mentor at Ngoprek HMSE


Become a mentor in mobile android development in a Ngoprek event organized by Himpunan Mahasiswa Software Engineering IT Telkom Purwokerto. This meeting discusses the fundamentals of android development.