
Hello everyone! With a very grateful heart, I am very happy to share ITTPizen, a social media application for the ITTP campus 🎉🎉.

ITTPizen is a social media application that facilitates the IT Tekom Purwokerto community in finding and getting the desired information and job vacancies quickly and precisely. ITTPizen is also a platform between the Purwokerto Institute of Technology community and alumni to connect with each other.


Main Features ✅:

  1. Splash Screen to display the first page of the application when opened.
  2. Onboarding Screen is used to display brief information about the ITTPizen application.
  3. Login Screen is used to log into the application.
  4. Register Screen is used to register in the application.
  5. Home Screen is used to view information.
  6. Connection Screen is used to view the list of registered users in the application.
  7. Chat Screen is used to view a list of ongoing chats.
  8. Job Screen is used to view the list of jobs.
  9. Profile Screen is used to view profile details.
  10. Edit Profile Screen is used to edit profile information.
  11. Saved Job Screen is used to view the list of saved jobs.
  12. Search Connection Screen is used to search for users based on keywords.
  13. Search Job Screen is used to search for users based on keywords.
  14. Add Post Screen is used to add post data to the application.
  15. Add Job Screen is used to add job data to the application.

Upcoming Features 🚀:

  1. Notification Feature
  2. Chat Feature
  3. Delete Post
  4. Delete Job